Prof. Jack Pun
City University of Hong Kong
3:50 pm
Navigating in English-medium classrooms: A case study of science secondary students’ literacy demands in Hong Kong
Teaching science through English is a growing phenomenon around the world. In this presentation, I will discuss the latest research into EMI instructions around the globe and the challenges that teachers and students face when learning science through English in many cultural contexts. In particular, i will report a study in Hong Kong which explores the teaching and learning process in EMI science classrooms. Drawing on the multiple sources of data from semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and video-recorded classroom observations of science teachers and students, the analysis explores the patterns of classroom interactions in local secondary schools. The teachers and students' perceptions of EMI teaching and learning process including their views on EMI, choices of classroom language, the language challenges, coping strategies will also be investigated. By providing an evidence-based, detailed analysis of classroom interactions, this study will hopefully shed light on ways for improving instructional practices in different EMI classrooms worldwide.
About the speaker
Dr. Jack Pun is Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. He completed his DPhil at the University of Oxford, which explored the teaching and learning process in EMI science classrooms, with a special focus on classroom interactions, use of codeswitching, and teachers’ and students’ views of EMI. His research interests lie in EMI and health communication. His research has been published in journals such as ELT Journal, Language Teaching, RELC Journal, Journal of English for Academic Purposes and International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. He is associate editor of Journal of Research in Science & Technological Education, and has published two books in EMI: Teaching and Learning in English Medium Instruction: An Introduction (with Jack C. Richards) and Research Methods in English Medium Instruction (with Samantha Curle) by Routledge.